Links for Parents and Forms

Find online support for reading, math, personal development and hot topics in education.

Find important forms for Westfield staff and parents, including reimbursement for school and PTO items.


Useful Links

Games tied to RIT scores
Promoting Literacy Links
Westfield Library Link
Gov. Branstad's Iowa Education Reform Plan
Class Packs
Buy class packs and other school-related supplies from this website, just enter Westfield's account #84470 and you are ready to shop! You not only have the easiest back-to-school shopping to do but you are benefiting our PTO as well. Yay!
Upload photos for the Westfield yearbook from fun events at school, class trips, parties, and more! Please include your student's name and grade so the photos get placed on the appropriate page. Thanks so much!


Reimbursement Form (70K)
If you have already paid for something PTO-related out of your own money you may submit this form along with a receipt for reimbursement.
Request For Payment (12.2K)
If you've already ordered something and have not paid- use this form! This means PTO will pay the company directly and NOT reimburse you. Please attach the bill or invoice to this form and leave in the PTO mailbox.
Company Match Form Pdf (43.6K)
AAA Fund Request Form (74.2K)
Staff can help a child pay for athletic clothes, musical instruments, fees for activities, and other extracurricular expenses. This is through the Linn-Mar Foundation.
AAA Parent Waiver (71.4K)
A guardian needs to fill out this form to be turned in with the other AAA form that Linn-Mar staff fills out.


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